Understanding God's Grace in Truth, Part 2 (TMF:2508)
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Peace to Live By: Understanding God's Grace in Truth, Part 2 (TMF:2508) - Daniel Litton
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The problem is, none of these statements are “in truth.” They might be an attempt to describe the grace of God, but they violate the truth. The truth comes from the Scriptures, though, even there, people have varying perspectives of what the Scriptures are actually saying. The fair way to tell, though, what the truth is behind the truth is to simply remember that the truth is found is simplicity. The truth is found in simplicity. That then tells us that the easy explanation is usually the correct explanation. The more elaborate and the more explaining it takes to describe something, or the further reasoning involved, generally means were are moving away from the truth. For instance, if one were to make the statement “Fornication is bad,” that lines right up with what the Scriptures say. But if one were to say, “Well, you know, the Scriptures were referring to an unreasonable fornication that was present in that culture at the time.” Now, through complexity, we are moving away from the truth. We are moving to a non-truth.