Our Needed Endurance in Life, Part 2 (TMF:2530)

Peace to Live By: Our Needed Endurance in Life, Part 2 (TMF:2530) - Daniel Litton
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       Let’s pick the most obvious one first. You guessed it, it’s Satan. Satan and his demons. That one seems obvious. He was the angel who rebelled against God (of which it appears that betrayal occurred right after God created the world) and he took one-third of the angelic hosts with him. We generally call them the demons, though some think that demons are different evil spirits from the rebellious fallen angels that followed Satan. Whatever the case, for our purposes, we note that they work against God, which means they also work against us. But there is more. It isn’t just Satan and the demons who are responsible for the need “for all endurance and patience with joy” on our parts. What else could we cite? Sticking with persons, let’s consider the fact that humans, individuals (and even sometimes us), screw things up. Things get messed up when we either don’t follow God’s will for our lives by acting in sinful ways, or when we make unwise choices, say out of ignorance (which aren’t necessarily sin, just unwise), and then things get messed up.

Our Needed Endurance in Life, Part 1 (TMF:2529)

Peace to Live By: Our Needed Endurance in Life, Part 1 (TMF:2529) - Daniel Litton
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       And these righteous characteristics are needed so that we can live, continuing along in verse 11, “for all endurance and patience with joy.” Why is endurance needed? Endurance from what? Well, basically, this verse tells us if we weren’t aware of this fact already that not everything is going to go our way in life. That’s what endurance is for. Now, if we were to listen to some Bible teachers exclusively, that might not become so obvious. That’s why it’s always important to be realistic—to not get too dreamy in what we are hoping in or hoping for. For basic understanding, then, what are the things in the world that stop things from going the way we want them to (or on a deeper level even, the way God wants them to go)? Let’s pick the most obvious one first. You guessed it, it’s Satan. Satan and his demons. That one seems obvious. He was the angel who rebelled against God (of which it appears that betrayal occurred right after God created the world) and he took one-third of the angelic hosts with him.

Our Needed Power from God, Part 3 (TMF:2528)

Peace to Live By: Our Needed Power from God, Part 3 (TMF:2528) - Daniel Litton
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       It isn’t that all this working power is directed toward actions within the boundaries of ministry, but it is also, and probably more so, in the development of our individual characters. That’s why on other occasions, and coming to mind specifically is Galatians 5, Paul lists what should be done in contrast to what should not be done. It is spelled out simply. And because we know that a person who is not enlightened, who has not tasted of the heavenly gift, that is, of salvation, has no real power over sin or the ability to carry out even the good character traits across the board, we know that the conversion experience is necessary. This is how a person then has new life, a born again is-ness, by which the person can then live out the Christian character, which, in reality, is how all people are really supposed to live in character. It is as Paul said in Galatians 5, that against such character traits there is no law.

Our Needed Power from God, Part 2 (TMF:2527)

Peace to Live By: Our Needed Power from God, Part 2 (TMF:2527) - Daniel Litton
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       Power is simply our ability to accomplish what God desires for us to accomplish in these areas. If they could be done by simply human means, there would be no need for a conversation process and Christian experience of life to begin with. In this imaginary case, it would simply be that anyone could be a Christian by simply walking a path following certain principles. Though, we know that’s not the case—but the case is that a conversion experience is necessary. And that’s not to say this ‘experience’ happens at one, singular moment (though most often it seems to), but sometimes it can happen over a period in one’s life. All this power bestowed into the Christian’s life is according to God’s “glorious might.” Paul would say the familiar verse elsewhere, “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13, ESV). It isn’t that all this working power is directed toward actions within the boundaries of ministry, but it is also, and probably more so, in the development of our individual characters.

Our Needed Power from God, Part 1 (TMF:2526)

Peace to Live By: Our Needed Power from God, Part 1 (TMF:2526) - Daniel Litton
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       Working things for the kingdom then creates an experience with God that then increases our knowledge about God. That is, knowledge about how God works in our lives—how he accomplishes things, takes care of us, relates to us, etc. In the experience with God, what is needed for that experience also becomes manifest. Paul prays that the Colossians, in verse 11, are “being strengthened with all power, according to his [God’s] glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy” (ESV). Along the whole life journey, whatever that life journey may be, is needed power. That’s obvious. To have spiritual wisdom, to have understanding, to have every good work, and to increase in knowledge—with all of these things, power is a must have. Power is simply our ability to accomplish what God desires for us to accomplish in these areas. If they could be done by simply human means, there would be no need for a conversation process and Christian experience of life to begin with.